AnalystIP files Trademark Renewal in India and other 150+ Countries of your interest.
Trademark Renewal with AnalystIP
What is Trademark Renewal
A Trademark consisting of a recognizable Name, Logo, Symbol, Design, numbers, label, color combination or any other slogan which identifies products or services and distinguish the services and products from others in the market. A registered trademark has 10 years of validity. However, the trademark can be protected by filing a trademark renewal every 10 years. This renewal has to be filed on or before 6 months from the date of expiration of the registration.
If no application for renewal of a trademark is filed, the Registrar sends a notice at the prescribed address of service informing the owner of the trademark of the renewal deadline. The notice is sent not more than 6 months prior to the expiry of the registration. It is important to consider that the trademark can be removed from the Register only after such a notice has been served to the owner by the Registrar or if no application is filed.
We serve in 150+ Countries
Some Top Filing Countries
How AnalystIP Assist for
Trademark Renewal Process
To initiate Trademark Renewal process, our subject matter expert can guide you through all the process and better strategies and complete guide throughout the process in India or any other countries across the Globe such as USA, China, Korea, Europe etc. We are well versed with trademark law of countries specific and have filed Renewal in multiple countries. Since Our charges are highly affordable which enable every corporate to register their brand
Additional benefits
Benefits with analystIP
One Stop Solution for Filing in India & 150+ Countries
Quick turnaround time with highly competitive fee structure
Automatic Updates on Ongoing Project
Cloud Based Access of Documents
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Freqently asked questions
How many years registered trademark is valid
A registered trademark has 10 years of validity. However, the trademark can be protected by filing a trademark renewal every 10 years. This renewal has to be filed on or before 6 months from the date of expiration of the registration. You can keep your trademark protected as there is no restrictions on how many times and for how many years you wish to keep your trademark status active and registered.
What if the trademark expires
As per the trademark act 1999, you can restoration of expired trademark within 6 months from its expiry date to keep using it. However, delay of 6 months can be risky and could be additional fees and documentation required.