AnalystIP prepares Trademark Patent Drawings filing for India, USPTO, China, EPO, Japan and other 150+ Countries of your interest.
Trademark Drawings/Illustration with AnalystIP Illustrators
What is Trademark Drawings/Illustration
At the time of trademark filing, a trademark applicant must submit a drawing page with the trademark application, unless the proposed trademark application is for sound, a scent, or other non-visual mark. A drawing shows the trademark you want to register. For the registration process, there are two forms of drawings, standard character and special form.
Hence, Drawings is the crucial part of a trademark application for registration of a mark under the Indian Patent Office any other patent office.
Types of Drawings
There are two Types of Drawings
How analystIP assist
Trademark Drawings
To prepare High Quality drawings you need Drawing Engineer, who are well-versed in legal and technical field to prepare the best drawings as per your need. Our engineers can prepare Trademark Drawing . Our Drawing Engineers use Software such as AutoCAD, Solid works, and VISIO etc. We can provide you drawings in any format as per your request.
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Freqently asked questions
What is Objected Drawings
Objected Drawings sometimes referred as Rejected Drawings as well. A patent application sometimes will be rejected in the view of drawings objected. One type of the drawing objection is based on Claims reciting features in the Patent application that is not shown in the drawings.
Why patent drawings are important
The patent drawings & patent illustrations represent the features of the invention described in description and claims. In simple word, patent drawings or patent illustrations are graphical representations of patent application. The patent office asks the applicant to submit at least one drawing because an invention needs to be described in detail as much possible.