Trademark Opposition Proceeding

AnalystIP can assist you to file Trademark Opposition for any trademark application published on Trademark Journal. However, the Trademark opposition has to be filed within 3 months from the publishing date.


    What is Trademark Opposition

    Once the Trademark application is published in the trademark journal then published trademark application can be opposed by any person during the 3 months of the time period. The person filing the Trademark Opposition need not have any commercial reason for the opposition as well as any personal reason and prior registered trademark owner. There can be various reason for the opposition of any Trademark Application such as similar or identical to an earlier or existing registered trademark, descriptive in nature, prohibited mark, relative grounds, contrary or prevented by law. Since there are no guidelines mentioned in trademark journal for opposition hence the reason could be varied.

    The time limit for Trademark Opposition is 3 months after the publication of the application in Trademark Journal. If a trademark opposition is successfully filed within 3 months time period, the registration of the trademark will be refused. If filed trademark opposition application is rejected, the trademark will be registered and published the same on Trademark Journal.

    Reason to File Trademark Oppostion

    Some Reason to file Trademark Opposition

    • Current filed trademark is similar or identical to an existing registered trademark.

    • Current trademark application is likely to cause confusion or deceive the public

    • Current Trademark Application is descriptive in nature.

    • The application for mark contains matters that are likely to hurt religious feelings of the people.

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    How AnalystIP Assist for

    Trademark Opposition Proceeding

    To file Trademark Opposition , our subject matter expert can guide you through all the process and better strategies and complete guide throughout the process in India or any other countries across the Globe such as USA, China, Korea, Europe etc. We are well versed with trademark law of countries specific and have filed Opposition and handled objections & hearing in multiple countries. Since Our charges are highly affordable which enable every corporate to register their brand.

    Additional benefits

    Benefits with analystIP

    • One Stop Solution for Filing in India & 150+ Countries

    • Quick turnaround time with highly competitive fee structure

    • Automatic Updates on Ongoing Project

    • Cloud Based Access of Documents

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    Freqently asked questions

    What is Trademark Opposition ?

    Any person willing to oppose published trademark application then can proceed for filing trademark opposition with the office. There can be various reason for the opposition of any Trademark Application such as similar or identical to an earlier or existing registered trademark, descriptive in nature, prohibited mark, relative grounds, contrary or prevented by law. Since there are no guidelines mentioned in trademark journal for opposition hence the reason could be varied.

    Who can file Trademark Opposition

    According to Section 21 of the Trademark Act, any person can file trademark opposition in the India irrespective of commercial or personal interest in the matter.

    What are the Reasons for filing Trademark Opposition

    There can be various reason for the opposition of any Trademark Application such as similar or identical to an earlier or existing registered trademark, descriptive in nature, prohibited mark, relative grounds, contrary or prevented by law. Since there are no guidelines mentioned in trademark journal for opposition hence the reason could be varied.